May 20, 2009


"Geek, not a general-purpose human"

April 24, 2009

Publishing 2.0

(CC) Original Photo by CCAC North Library
Publishing 2.0 is new way of publishing books. It is in fact evolution of traditional methods in the same way as web 2.0 evolved from the old web. The main point is to publish your work, get feedback from users and constantly improve content quality. So simple, yet opens entirely new horizons for many publishers. I think that this idea would be very fruitful both for authors and readers. Recently I have seen an online book where users post their comments under each paragraph. Maybe it would be possible to implement artificial intelligence algorithms to automate content updating from readers' comments?

April 21, 2009


"It's best to know best"
I'm going to post my own aphorisms from time to time (whenever come up with something worth publishing).

April 8, 2009

Quantum Fluctuation

(CC) Original Photo by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE
Starting this blog is yet another proof that Quantum Physics really works. Until recently, my attitude towards blogging has been in equilibrium, but some fluctuation must have appeared in the brain and inspired me start a blog.
Firstly, I asked myself:
"Why to start a blog?"
    After a while, the two answers were straightforward:
    1. Why not?
    2. Because I can!
    For a long time, I've been planning to build a well-structured website to share some ideas, news, thoughts, code snippets, but soon realized how time-consuming it is. A blog is a better solution in terms of time optimization, since I can put there whatever information and make it index itself by tags. I hope to aggregate valuable ideas about lifestyle design, information technology, social dynamics, and... celebrities' affairs :-) I strongly believe that the world needs this blog. It will make people more open-minded and willing to experiment. Enjoy!