
There is so much one can do in life. This blog aggregates various ideas and experiences that are part of a cool lifestyle. I like to explore, experiment, and learn.

Personally, I feel like an artist. Professionally, I'm a PhD student at University of Waterloo, ON, Canada. I do enjoy my studies. They are very fulfilling and give me a lot of flexibility. The studies allow me to combine my passion with working on bleeding-edge research projects. If you do research, you see how the future will look like. You see how it differs from current state of affairs. You don't know, however, how the research will actually change the world. This glimpse into future is very stimulating!

I have always been curious about the world. Curious and observant as a small child who is amazed by everything it can experience. This curiosity crystallized in another passion: traveling. I have traveled mainly around Europe and North America. In May 2011 I discovered Couchsurfing. It's one of the best ways of exploring the world and meeting new people. I hope to travel all around the planet. Maybe some day I'll visit the Moon or another planet. So far I visited:

Everyone wants to live life to the fullest. Right? It seems to me that people believe they want to that but they do very little to achieve that goal. Let's be honest: it's hard to be persistent. It is also hard to be disruptively innovative. There are many things coming in the way, such as work (I need money!), lack of motivation (I will fail, anyways), lack of time (I like watching TV series!), family/friends (what if they don't like my idea?). A while ago I figured out that I actually want to live life to the fullest. I'm also aware of the obstacles and I'm here to overcome them. I'm not afraid of risking or going out of my comfort zone.

This blog collects anything related to open-mindedness, traveling, lifehacking, and happiness. It is very useful for me and I'm quite proud of what I've achieved so far :-) Many of my friends told me they found the blog interesting. Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback! Who knows, maybe you'll find it interesting too. Be my guest!


  1. This graph is confusing Kacper

  2. Your name is confusing Anonymous. Fair game :-)
    Anyways, if you have some specific questions, I would be more than happy to answer.

  3. Graph is confusing, I agree. I thought that you are going to be less happy in 2014 devoting more time to research. The bar chart you used shows shares. Use something like this to let us see increase:


    This one is even better:


