August 12, 2012

Exercises in Open-Mindedness

Open-mindedness is about being receptive to new ideas. Simple. Everyone is receptive up to a certain limit. This limit is what determines whether we call a person open-minded or close-minded. Now, why do I care about open-mindedness? Personally, I think open-mindedness is a great trait to have. Why?
  • You can learn from the ideas of others and come up with better own ideas.
  • It fosters creativity.
  • You're more open to explore various topics, which can result in new hobbies, passions, and friendships.
  • I think it's related to going out of comfort zone and trying out new things. As a result you become more adaptable to new situations and environments.
  • It helps you to become a more interesting person. If you're open-minded, then you probably have knowledge about a variety of topics. It's great for discussions and socializing.

OK, cool. So if it's such a great trait, how to acquire it? Well, you're more or less open-minded. So it's not so much about acquiring but about exercising. I've been exercising my open-mindedness since April. I started with the How to Exercise an Open Mind article. Here I'm presenting the list of various exercises that stimulate the brain. Take it as inspiration!

Exploring Music Genres


Wikipedia Articles


  • Pierogies
  • Asparagus creme
  • Apple crumble with vanilla ice cream
  • BBQ salmon and vegetables
  • Broccoli soup
  • Cheesecake
  • Hash-browns

Volunteering with Gzowski Club


  • Exploring the Kitchener-Waterloo region
  • Exploring Toronto, Ottawa, Mississauga and other places in Southern Ontario
  • Eurotrip
  • Booked tickets to Brazil for the Carnival 2013 in Rio de Janeiro


If you've got something to add to that list, I would be more than happy to see it!