November 8, 2012

A Major Problem of Humanity Solved!

Play the song and enjoy this fantastic video! It'll put you in the right mood before reading the remainder of the post. I promise :-)

There is one problem that majority of people experience every day. What's worse, that problem sometimes greatly impacts the whole day. What is it? The problem of waking up in the morning! You know it very well. You set the alarm and plan to wake up at a given time. When the alarm goes off, you push the snooze button to sleep for just 10 more minutes. After the 10 minutes... you do the same. It's so hard to wake up and get things going. Imagine, wouldn't it be wonderful just to wake up and start the day with a big smile?

So, why is it so difficult to wake up? Turns out that the difficulty of waking up depends on the sleep phase you are in. If you are  in deep sleep and immediately interrupt it, you feel tired and your mental ability is greatly reduced. You'd like to go back to the beautiful dream... This is what typically happens in the morning. If you are, however, in light sleep, then awakening is very easy, because your body is ready go. What if there was a way of determining when you are in light sleep and then starting the alarm?

I've got good news for you. Personally I think it's one of the coolest uses of smartphones. There are applications that can track your sleep cycle and wake up when you are in light sleep. They analyze your movements in bed and rely on a simple principle: if you don't move, you are in deep sleep; if you move a lot, you are in light sleep. Instead of setting the alarm for a fixed time, you let the application wake you up within certain time window. For example, if the time window is 30 minutes and you have to wake up at 7:30 at the latest, it will wake you up at the most suitable moment between 7:00 and 7:30.

I'm really excited about that, because I've been testing Sleep as Android for several nights and I woke up without any problem. You can find similar applications by searching for sleep in Google Play for Android/App Store for Apple devices/App World for Blackberry.